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The intellectual center around which the new Western literary language was organized was Constantinople (modern Istanbul), though many fea- tures of the standard dialect (including the pronunci- ation of the consonants) do not come from the Rrading dialect originally spoken there. 4 1 Solve: a jx¡3j64 e jxj j2 ¡ xj b j2x¡1j63 f 3 jxj 6 j1 ¡ 2xj c j3x1j2 d j5¡2xj7 ̄ x ̄ ̄2x3 ̄ g ̄ ̄ 3 h ̄ ̄ 2 x¡2 x¡1 COMPLEX NUMBERS AND POLYNOMIALS (Chapter 8) 197 Example 44 Solve graphically: j1 ¡ frading x 1: Wedrawgraphsof yj1¡2xj and yx1 onthesamesetofaxes.

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