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Although other investigators repeated and modified Carrels experiments, he labored for some 20 years compiling a vastly more extensive and incomparably more precise set of records than any of his predecessors had possessed. The sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA is then read from one end to the other in sets of three according to the genetic code.

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Calcium bind- ing protein (calmodulin) regulates many cellular activities. More commonly, a secondary opening above the puborectalis muscle is iatrogenic because of the surgeons FIGURE 23 Trans-sphincteric fistula: high blind tract. The. The in vivo assay for the poliomyelitis component may be omitted once it has been demonstrated for a given product and for each poliovirus type that the acceptance criteria for the D-antigen determination are such that it yields the same result as the in vivo assay in terms of acceptance or rejection of a batch.

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