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~rther discussion about ahd procedure of two one-sided tests is given in ~8. It contains gas at a pressure of 5 × 105 Pa. in Bamford, C. (Intellectual Processes) Cognition (C) Memory (M) Evaluation (E) Convergent Production (N) Divergent Production (D) Contents (Nature of the Stimuli) Figural (F) Symbolic (S) Semantic (M) Behavioral (B) Description Immediate awareness, recognition, or comprehension of stimuli Retention of information in the same form in which it was stored Making judgments about information in terms of a known standard Responding to stimuli with the unique or best answer Responding to stimuli where the emphasis is on a variety or quality of response (associated with creativity) Description Shapes or concrete objects Numerals, single letters, or any coded symbol Words and ideas that convey meaning Primarily nonverbal, involving human interactions with a stress on attitudes, needs, thoughts, and so on 304 Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery temperature of 25°C is 0.

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