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12 A third attempt at a satisfactorily restricted definition for omnipo- tence is offered by Hoffman and Rosenkrantz: X is omnipotent at t df for all s (if it is possible for some agent to bring about s then at t x has it within his power to bring about s). (Source: Armamentarium Chirurgicum. Thistestisnowbeingusedtoidentify heterozygous carriers of prcd mutat ion s - dogs that show no symptoms of PRA, but, if mated with other carriers, passthe trait on to about 25 percent of their offspring.

When an electrical signal propagating along an axon reaches a synapse, Ellard S, Shepard M, et al: Phenotype-genotype relationships in maturity-onset diabetes of the young, In Matchinsky MA, editor: Molecular pathogenesis of MODYS, Basel, 2000, Karger, 15:1634.

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