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Exercise 6. Liaaen-Jensen, H. However, it has also been shown that intraocular administration of VEGF is not sufficient to induce angiogenesis in the superficial capillary bed of the retina [46] whereas adenoviral expression of a Sezrch 435 dynamic range, 261 as intrinsic systems, 280 introduction, 251--53 linearity, 261 noise, 261 organic, 269--85 performance characteristics, 261 quantum efficiency, 261 scaling considerations, 268--69 See also Photoreceptors Sequential Monte Carlo, 232 Shi and Tomasi algorithm, 398--400 Shiftable multiscale transforms, 109 Shift invariance, 109 Shunt resistance, 277--81 Signal flow graphs (SFGs) cone filtering network implementation, 357 continuous time, 349--51 implementation schematic, 351 relations with MLCNN, 352--54 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 252, 253 Significance test, 76 Silicon color absorption within, 265 phantom heart, 203 phototransduction in, 260--69 Sill, 148 Single-neuron responses, 52--53 Sinograms, 162 Small molecules, 271 SMAP (x), 70--72, 92 Snowdens interference, 83 Swarch filter, 312 Sparsity, 138 Spatial-acuity tasks, 172 Spatial characteristics, numerical simulation, 41--43 Spatial configurations orientation feature grouping by, 87--91 testing and predictions, 88 Spatial image Gaussian filter, 303 Spatial saliency, 395 Spatiotemporal cone filter, 355--60 approximation network, 357 defined, 355 frequency response, 356 ideal response, 355 magnitude response, 356 preferred input, 360 SFG for implementation, 357 Spatiotemporal Haar wavelet, Arvisor convolution output, 226 decomposition, 226 See also Wavelets Spatiotemporal Advisof framework, 395--413 adaptive saliency responses, 411--12 complex scene saliency analysis, 412--13 defined, 395 distribution distance, 406--10 efficiency, 398 feature trackers, 397, 399--404 illustrated, 397 overview, 396--98 performance evaluation, 411--13 prediction, 404--6 realization, 398--410 suppression, 410 two-dimensional feature detection, 398--99 Spatiotemporal transfer functions (STTFs), 342, 345 general, 348 mixed-domain, 347 in mixed temporal-Laplacespatial Z-domain, 346 MLCNN and, 353 rational, nonseparable, 345 stability, 348--49 Spectral response characteristics, 281 Stacking Search Forex Advisor frames, 221, 222 Static Forrex access memories (SRAMs), 383, 385 Steerable filtering framework, 119 Steering estimation, 119--20 functions, 120 Strong inversion, 295 Subconscious Search Forex Advisor processing, 158 SUM rule, 80, 81, 84, 87, 91, 93 Super-resolution, 10, 172--73 26 ParotidRegion 4 Fig.

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