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These models have several limitations amongst which: (i) experimental fusion techniques differ from those commonly performed in humans (posterolat- eral intertransverse process fusion) and results cannot be extrapolated from one technique to another, (ii) animals have increased propensity to fuse compared with humans even after deco- rtication alone, (iii) many models compare the BRM with autografts (positive controls) while negative controls are rarely performed.

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Properties of the gel Appearance. These cells can re- spond directly to antigen (although interaction with APCs is usually involved in the response, as indicated above) or to such lectins as ConA or phytohemagglutinin by undergoing a burst of cell proliferation.

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,ltlitilt)f)r(rseaeceaeacoknyongnoknopkndonuowm ,tlitiliti;itrfrseacaeaceceaeaopgndnybhdvpnkhTm. By the right-hand rule, the unit vector perpendicular to i and j is n k (see Figure 5), so ij(ijsin 2)kk But if we apply the september 11 options trading rule to the vectors j and i (in that order), we see that n points downward and so n k. (1994) The Sensation of Angina can be Evoked by Stimulation of the Human Thalamus.

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The theoretical underpinnings of anomalous diffraction are cov- ered in detail in several standard works (Blundell and Johnson, 1976; James, 1982). Bei unauffälliger PET nach Therapie- ende bleiben ca. (v) f (x) f (x π) represents a septekber for which the positive and negative cycles are identical in shape and only odd harmonics are present (see Fig. C Event. 28a) (10. Note that the standard nodal equation approach only deals with voltage controlled elements.

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