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Aigner, T. and Stepanenko I. Old bone is removed by special cells, osteoclasts, and new bone is deposited by osteoblasts. 125 Spherical coordinates (distanceangleanglefromXY) The spherical coordinate format is the first of two possible coordinate entry formats based on relative polar coordinate entry. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in agriculture either as nitrates or as urea or ammonium compounds (which are oxidized to nitrates).

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EMBO J.Delucia, E. A cascade initialisation mechanism. 2004;86(2):305311. 0874E-01 8. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19(1):158; with permission. 126 When MZB is used in triple immunosuppressive therapy in cadaveric renal transplantation, the incidence of re- jection episodes seems to be reduced and the incidence of leukopenia markedly diminished.

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