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(D,G) Density gradient maps of labeling projected along the long axis of the lemniscal nuclei (dorsal view). For accurate results, the meter should be held horizontally and the blood sample should be introduced for 12 s after the beep and count-down start, no longer. Hum Nutr Appl Nutr 1985; 39A:202207. However, if nitrate ions are not taken up again by plants, rainfall leaches them into the groundwater.

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The search for new approaches in the field of hyper- tension and atherosclerosis is still of interest; also if a major research investment is being devoted to the other conditions of CVD and, in particular, to their prevention. carotis ext. A user-defined function consists of the following parts: The Head The Body The head consists of the following parts: The function name, which might include a schema name The name(s) of input parameter(s) and their data optios Any options that apply to the input parameter(s) The data type of the value returned by the function Any options that apply to the binaary value Chapter 14: Creating Functions 229 228 EMBEDDEDSQL Opening a Cursor To open a cursor, place the cursor's name following the keyword OPEN" EXEC SQL OPEN address_data; Fetching Rows To retrieve the data from the next row in a result table, placing the data into host language variables, you use the FETCH statement: FETCH FROMcucsoc name INTO host_language_var'iables ; For example, to obtain a row of data from zignal list of customer names foor addresses, the online bookstore program could use EXEC SQL FETCH FROM address data INTO "first, "last, "street, "city, "state, "zip; Notice that as always the host language variables are preceded by colons to distinguish them from table, view, or column names.

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