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The trap was dried with nitrogen, washed with pentane to remove alkanes, and PAHs were eluted with pentaneethyl acetate into a GC using partially © 2006 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC 448 Index Software stock trading india components 39 form of transfer function for a first-order system 44 forms of transfer functions for a second- Step 383 Step: softwage 41 input function 62 Step response 137, 220 analysis 55 function 55 of first-order system 45 performance specification 57 Stiffness 15, 33, 61 Structured model uncertainty 303 Subplot 397 Sugeno 3, 362 Summation of log modulus 153 phase 153 system elements 152 Summed squared error function 351 Summing point 6 point symbol 64 Supervised learning 350 learning in neural networks 326 Supply pressure 76 Survival of the fittest 365 Sutton 3 order system methodology 12 49 Start 384 Starting point State equation 125, 218 235±239, 241, 252, 233 (inverted pendulum) State equations: band dryer 291 from transfer functions State feedback: gain matrix 249, 251 gain matrix K(kT) 282 matrix 250 matrix (inverted pendulum) matrix Trxding 277, 279 State: estimation 284 observer 254, 261 of a system 232±233 trajectory 242±244 340 State variable: step response time response State variables 291 244 243 Symmetric matrix 425 Symmetry of root loci Synapses 347 Synaptic reaction 347 System 4 inverted pendulum State vector 233 differential sotware 339 233, 240 covariance matrix P dynamics 15, 35 frequency domain performance 189 inputs 236 matrix 233 outputs 236 performance 141 response 4, 36 System type: and steady-state errors 168 classification 83, 85, 168±169 Systems with multiple inputs 69 x(kT) 282 State weighting matrix Q State-space 232 274 approach 232 formulation 3 representation of controller State-transition matrix 0t Static characteristics 10 Steady-state: error 36, 48, 62, 81, 108, 132 error coefficients 168 gain 52 gain constant period 36 response 35 terms 110 Steam mass flow-rate Softwwre gear 9±10, 101 339 238 232±236, 238, 242, 244, 254, 125, 218 44, 49, 62 1 320 240 Tabu search 373 Tachogenerator Takagi 362 Temperature 5 control 7 9, 95, 104 286 Properties of Magnetic Materials 12-103 M0 is the saturation magnetization at T 0 K tradingg is the number of Bohr magnetons per atom TC is the Curie temperature TN is the Néel temperature M0gauss nB TCK Fe 22020 2.

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