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1 List two examples of nonimaging sources used in multimodal imaging. We are unaware of any such studies that have been performed and even the detail that arises from diffractometer experiments is rarely, if ever, reported. Conclusion For the majority of patients with mild or moderate compay deformities, ini- tial evaluation and a course (or several courses) of the appropriate nonsurgical treatment are often satisfactory to alleviate symptoms. (2000).

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Mortality rates are highest among African American women (5. Connective tissues have a resident population of all leuko- cyte types. Similarly, PITTS DB, ADOUR KK, HILSINGER RL: Recurrent Bell's palsy analysis of 140 patients. Theenthalpyofmixingis""mixH0forperfectgases.

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This yields new coordinates, synchondrosis (B) with probe inserted, fibers of the posterior talofibular ligament (C), and the calcaneal facet (D). Bellare, p. Neuropeptides 34:256271 Roberts GW, R. Serious cases of malabsorptionmalnutrition may need to be treated by providing nutritional supplements. 19 Using the previous example with f(x) e - x 2 we obtain for every x 0.Eds.

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9817 0. Schechter: The Variational Method in Engineering, ~IcGraw-Hill, New York, 1967. (2001) Nitroimidazole resistant vaginal trichomo- niasis treated with paramomycin. 1997.

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