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The normal adult adrenal gland weighs approximately 5 g and measures 3 to 5 cm in greatest transverse dimension. Processes that impair ciliary movement, cause excessive secretion of respiratory mucus, or change the viscosity of secretions may hinder the effectiveness of this transport system (Table 82-2).

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3 IOsp easy 1 Progress in Therapeutics 7 CLINICAL TESTING OF DRUGS Experiments conducted on animals are essential to the development of new chemicals for the management of disease. The principles and use of classi®ers can be found in other chapters as well as several good texts [71±73].

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71) (7. Diabet Med 1996;13:478481. Annexe 2-annual report 1993 pp 13-6 1994a Beginning of the commissioning of the 200 MeV proton therapy -facility at PSI Particles Newsletter ed J M Sisterson No 14 p 6 1994b Beam delivery Hadrontherapy in Oncology ed U Amaldi and B Rellationships (Amsterdam: Elsevier) pp 434-52 Pedroni E, Bacher R, Blattmann H, Bohringer T, Coray A, Lomax A, Lin S, Munkel G, Scheib SSchneider U and Tourovsky A 1995 The 200-MeV proton therapy project at the Paul Scherrer Institute: conceptual design and practical realisation Med.

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