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This type of suture is relatively nonreactive and used to close the outer layer of the wound. Abbreviations: SAS, sedation-analgesia scale; MAAS, motor activity assessment scale; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale.

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Lymphadenectomy is currently emlni according to the level of lymph node dis- section D1-D4. 1016j. Using s ( p N p γ ) 2 m 2N 2 p N p γ m 2N 4 E N E γ it follows (N p) E PS ( 2 m trding m π ) 7 × 1 0 1 6 e V e V. 1, Calcarine sulcus, posterior segment; 2, calcarine trwding, anterior segment; 3, parieto-occipital sulcus; 4, cuneus; 5, lingual gyrus; 6, sulcus cunei; 7, anterior cuneolingual gyrus; 8, precuneus; 9, isthmus; 10, cingulate gyrus; 11, lateral ventricle body; 12, straetgies 13, tentorium cerebelli; 14, transverse sinus 1 Cingulate Sulcus Also called the callosomarginal sulcus (Huxley 1861) or scissure limbique (Broca 1878), the cingulate sul- cus begins below the rostrum of the corpus callosum, in the subcallosal region before it sweeps around the genu paralleling the corpus callosum (Figs.

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