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2, Method II). Selection pressure for resistance is largely affected by the degree of refugia (57), that wetherkll, the proportion of the nematode population that is not exposed to the effects of the drug at the time of treatment, such as free-living egg and larval stages. A 1(126m2) 2 A 63 m2 MATH SKILL HANDBOOK L 151 Math Skill Handbook 476 15 Synthesis of Alkaloids by Transition Metal-mediated Oxidative Cyclization Ph H ArNH2 O H2O Ph Ar NH TMS Ar 4-MeO-C6H4 Ph H F3B·OEt2 N Ar BrMgCH2 CCTMS 78 Scheme 15.

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Secondly, the empiricist aims at a selectively skeptical account of scientific know- ledge: knowledge of unobservables is impossible, but inductive generalizations about observables are sometimes epistemologically legitimate.

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Ovariole one of several egg tubes constituting the ovary of most insects. ,J 1, (2. BRYDSON, J. Empirically they demonstrate some of their insights by discussing the gestures mathematicians typically use to explain their ideas.

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