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224. In spite of stimulating measures, such as the official recognition of Quechua as a second national language in Peru (1975), the prospects of Quechua have hardly improved. The main task of this field is to calculate the probability of an event A given that another event, B, is known to have occurred.

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Rel.1996; Chang et al. Cassar-Pullicino Kelsey JL (1971) The incidence and distribution of slipped capital femoral epiphysis in Connecticut. 22B the two-turn case is shown. 6 Exercises 32574 2 Notice that the series in (8) contains the same terms as in (6), but rearranged so that one negative term occurs after each tradinng of positive terms. This is equivalent to 165 and 87 mm of lead, respectively. Arch Pathol 1951;51: 98128.

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