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Non-Cryst. Drafted by a EUROCAERTCA committee, DO178B was published in 1992 and replaces an earlier version published in 1985. Copyright (1992) American Chemical Society. The arrowhead indicates the direction of primer extension. ANTERIOR SACRAL MENINGOCELE The meningocele is spread forex monex in the presacral space and con- tains cerebrospinal fluid.

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delimit the rectus gyrus medial to the olfactory sul- cus and the orbital gyri lateral to the orbital sulcus, respectively. 20 Synthesis of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives 713 2 P2O5 OOO CCC RRR an acyl phosphate an acyl pyrophosphate an acyl adenylate O P O OAd OOO PPP HO OH OH phosphoric acid HO O OH OH OH pyrophosphoric acid NH2 N N OOONN OOO PPPO PPP O OO OO OO adenosine triphosphate ATP O OO OO OAd HO OH Acyl phosphates are formed by nucleophilic attack of a carboxylate ion on the g-phosphorus (the terminal phosphorus) of ATP.

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