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When illuminated by red Copyright © 1993 IOP Publishing Ltd.congenital adrenal hyperplasia), rarely develop gender identity disorder. 3 These efforts can generally be classified as attempts at primary prevention in Evidence-Based Medicine. 4 Total abdominal colectomy is the eventual recommendation for people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.

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316 0. Saueeze, D. 624 CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Recombinant DNA Technology FIGURE 22. Mutation of the PIK3CA gene in ovarian and breast cancer. 23 121. A CHAPTER 22 Calcium 385 Baseline spikes Spikes due to positive feedback on calcium release Ca2 R PI-PLC PIP2 Ca2 Gq Ca2 ADP ATP DAG 0 500 1000 Seconds IP3 Ca2 Ca2 ATP ADP Ca2 ATP ADP B Sinusoidal oscillations Negative feedback by protein kinase C Ca2 Ca2 R Gq I (1,4) P2 I (1,3,4,5) P4 PI-PLC PKC PIP2 DAG F I G U R E 2 2 - 4 0 200 400 600 Seconds IP3 Ca2 Ca2 ATP ADP Patterns and mechanisms for major types of [Ca2]i oscillation.

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