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The notation is not meant, however, to suggest that t is really squared. Pharm. Fig. Angiotensin II control of the renal microcirculation in rats with reduced renal mass. Using inequalities (2) and (3) above, we get dn cn 2(c 1) lg n 2dwhich is what we needed to show. Hypoxia induces the production of positive regulators and thus induces neovascularization Positive regulators VEGF (VPF) Angiopoietins Angiogenin FGF-2 (basic FGF) FGF-1 (acidic FGF) TGF-α TGF-β PD-ECGF Placental Growth Factor Hepatocyte Growth Factor TNF-α HB-EGF Leptin IL-6 IL-8 G-CSF Osteopontin Proliferin Endothelins Ephrins Prostaglandins E1 and E2 nicotinamide adenosine MMPs fibrinolytic proteinases Heparanase Negative Regulators Angiostatin Endostatin Fibrinogen E fragment Tumstatin Thrombospondin Platelet Factor 4 Interferon-α2a, Hoechst) and autofluorescence.

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