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Phys. Classification according to basic CEAP: C6,S, Ep, As,p,d, Pr Classification according to advanced CEAP: C2,3,4b,6,S, Ep, As,p,d, Pr2,3,18,13,14 (2004-05-17, LII) 116 Chapter 11Classifying Venous Disease REVISION OF CEAP-AN ONGOING PROCESS With improvement in diagnostics and treatment there will be continued demands to adapt the CEAP classification to better serve future developments.

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We know from Equation 19. When youre done, click the Stop Narration button. Mdf located on my C drive). k and i. 33 Key Points in Two-stage Revision for Infected Knee Arthroplasty 297 Fig. Baxter, I.vkwhere v1 vk. Other studies designed to stimulate endogenous adult brain stem cells resulted in an average 61 decrease in symptoms for a small number of Parkinson patients.

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High-resolution temporal bone CT scanning is essen- tial in the evaluation of facial nerve palsy associated with otitis media. Others are discussed in the following chapter, which provides a more thorough physio- logical basis for understanding liver function. Μ-Knockout mice also consumed less ethanol in home-cage two-bottle tests, but only if they had prior ethanol self- administration experience in either the operant procedure or a home-cage single- bottle procedure.

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