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B Figure 13-18. comraven6e www. Sart or (b) or (c) (x y) (x y) LMAX(x) LMAX(x,y»N) LMAX(x,y»N) LMAX(x) LMAX(x,y»N) LMAX(x) LMAX(x,y»N) ¢ x ¢ LMAX(y»N) ¢ LMAX(x»N) ¢ x ¢ if x y then LMAX(y»N) else LMAX(x»N) fi ¢ x ¢ LMAX(x max y»N) The max operation is associative, so, with certain provisos, we could utilise quantification rules, but not directly; hence we adopt the current eureka approach. Natural selection occurs in reference to the environment where the population presently lives; evolutionary adaptations are not anticipatory of the future.

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