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) H 5 3 2Hb Ha 4 H1 11 As mentioned in the previous chapter, displacement vector measurement and its usage in motion compensation in interframe coding for a TV signal can be traced back to the 1970s. Briefly, assuming that the wavelength dependent structure factor expression may be written as: f λFT(h) 0FT(h) k k fk0 Where if k fk0 0FAk(h) λFT(h) is the structure factor at wavelength λ 0FT(h) is the structure factor contribution from all normal scatterers 0FAk(h) is the structure factor contribution from the kth kind of anomalous scatterer f and f dispersive and Bijvoet components kk for the kth kind respectively, of the anomalous diffractor at wavelength λ, and fk0 normal scattering factor, then, the experimentally measurable quantity, namely, wavelength dependent intensity, assuming for simplicity a single kind of anomalous diffractor (k 1), may be written as: |λFT(h)|2 |0FT(h)|2 a(λ)|0FA(h)|2 b(λ)|0FT(h)||0FA(h)| cos[0φT(h) 0φA(h)] c(λ)|0FT(h)||0FA(h)| sin[0φT(h) 0φA(h)] where a(λ)f ,b(λ)2f, 2 f0 f0 f c(λ) 2 f0 and f (f2 f2)12.

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Graz, Abstracts p 209 Lazcano A, Miller SL (1994) J Mol Biol 39:546 Lindgren K, Nordahl M (1997) In: Forskningsra ̇dets a ̇rsbok 1997, Swedish Science Press, Uppsala, p 105 Lineweaver CH, Fenner Y, Gibson BK (2004) Science 303:59 Lomstein BA, Hansen A, Merrison JP, Nørnberg P, Finster KW (2002) Second European Workshop on ExoAstrobiology. They tend to like to build nests near gray butcherbird nests.

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