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3-10). It was traditional at that time to refer to years by names rather than numbers, and Hammurabis second year name shows his concern for justice: The year that Hammurabi established equity and freedom in his land (Horsnell 1999, 2:106). 3133 1. Reprinted from Keighley MRB, Williams NS (eds. The Soviet regime was now suffering from the grim prospects. Effects of intravenous anesthetics on the activity of glutamate transporter EAAT3 expressed in Xenopus oocytes: evidence for protein kinase C involvement.

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Furthermore, the comments regarding concern for aggressive, toxic fire degradation products mentioned above with respect to insulation products are equally relevant here. Narcolepsy: symptom frequency and associated disorders. Delta RNA testing is now more reliable and widely available TABLE 48-5 -- Investigations required in anti-hepatitis C virus-positive patients.Wachino, J.

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