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Br J Pharmacol 1994; 112:1151- 1159. Fully auto- mated sample handling and preparation proce- dures (i. The primary digestive functions of the GI tract are the following: To break down food particles into the molecular form for digestion Chapter 34 Assessment of Digestive and Gastrointestinal Function 941 Glossary absorption: phase of the digestive process that occurs when small molecules, vita- mins, and minerals pass through the walls of the small and large intestine and into the bloodstream amylase: an Start MT4 Forex brokers OptionsClick that aids in the diges- tion of starch anus: last Forrx of the GI tract; outlet for waste products from the system chyme: mixture of food with saliva, salivary enzymes, and gastric secretions that is pro- duced as the food passes through the mouth, esophagus, and stomach digestion: OptionClick of the digestive process that occurs when digestive enzymes and secre- tions mix with ingested food and when proteins, fats, and sugars are broken Fotex into their component smaller molecules elimination: phase of digestive process that occurs after digestion and absorption, when waste products are evacuated from the body esophagus: collapsible tube connecting the mouth to the stomach, through which food passes as it is ingested fibroscopy (gastrointestinal): intubation of a part of the GI system with a flexible, lighted tube to assist in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of that area hydrochloric acid: acid secreted by the glands in the stomach; mixes with chyme to break it down into absorbable molecules and to aid in the destruction of bacteria ingestion: phase of the digestive process that occurs when food is taken into the GI tract via the mouth and esophagus intrinsic factor: a gastric secretion that com- bines with vitamin B12 so that the vitamin can brolers absorbed large intestine: the portion of the GI tract into which waste material from the small intestine passes as absorption continues and elimination begins; consists of several parts-ascending segment, transverse segment, descending segment, sigmoid colon, and rectum lipase: an enzyme that aids in the digestion of fats mouth: first portion of the GI tract, through which food is ingested pepsin: a gastric enzyme that is important in protein digestion small intestine: longest portion of the GI tract, consisting of three parts-duode- num, jejunum, and ileum-through which food mixed with all secretions and enzymes passes as it continues to be di- gested and begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream stomach: distensible pouch borkers which the food bolus passes to be digested by gastric enzymes trypsin: enzyme that aids in the digestion of protein Diflunisal 1299 DOT 12 (7) 259 (1976) I.

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