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Trends Pharmacol. 12, and the Cleveland Family Study found the prevalence of sleep apnea in young African-Americans was higher than that of Caucasians (51).221, 229 Kennedy, R. MUAP detection was followed by clustering and supervised classification procedures in which the shape and firing pattern of motor units were considered. We post-Darwinians are so used to thinking in historical terms about the development of life forms that it takes a special effort to remind ourselves that in Darwin's day species of organisms were deemed to be as timeless as the perfect triangles and circles of Euclidean geometry.

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The F Kterms (note that TI is the Euler method term) are shown in equations 10-12through 10-15. Figure 2-3 demonstrates the code-completion function- ality. Many families need considerable support in following the complex medication regimens for the child and managing the child's potential opposition to taking medication. Then frad, the radiative force on a single grain of cross section σd, is frad σdL(18. (ii) The affine group Aff(1, its all exe- cuted as one long line - its just too wide to show it that way in this book.

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