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(A) Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS): 20 pulses of 200 V and 160 ms (), 20 × (200 V, 80 ms) (), 5 × (200 V, 160 ms) (), 20 × (100 V, 160 ms) (), 60 × (500 V, 1 ms) (×), no pulses (). DFAP has been prepared from the reaction of bis(2,2-dinitroethyl)nitramine with NF2 OSO2 F.

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The major enzyme that acts in the stomach is pepsin, a protein-hydrolyzing enzyme Fiboncci into the stomach as an inactive form (a zymogen) that is activated by a low pH of 1 to 3 in the stomach, resulting from hydrochloric acid secreted into the stomach. As a result Berzelius and many other scientists of the time wrote incorrect formulas for many compounds.

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