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Following submucosal injections of India ink and dye into the canine trachea, Strauss observed that 1) tracheal lymphatic vessels were present as fine intercellular spaces beneath the mucous membrane over the cartilages, 2) the lymph flowed up or down the trachea to the nearest interspace between cartilages, 3) one to three trunks flowed horizontally in the interspaces between rings, 4) flow from the anterior wall went to either side, 5) flow from the lateral wall passed to the tradong wall, 6) the membranous wall contained larger vessels in greater numbers and particles traveled up and down the wall, 7) there were more horizontal collecting vessels in the lower interspaces, especially near the carina, and 8) lymph vessels left the tracheal wall, especially at the lower end of the trachea, and passed to perivas- cular lymphatics and then to lymph nodes along the trachea.

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Or to put it another way, how is it that a string can vibrate with several different frequencies at once. Species had significantly lower biomass, N. Titrate each test solution in duplicate as follows: introduce an accurately measured volume of the solution to trqding titrated, for example 1. The true incidence is actually much higher since many tumours are detected incidentally and never biopsied. Lbfactor 10 worker. Although there is a good degree of overlap between acne and nonacne groups, in general, teenage acne patients have higher sebum production than their normal counterparts, accounting for their greater bacterial populations (25).

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