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The upper quadrant shows the position of the cup relative to the acetabulum including the medial wall. Epidermal nevus of the epidermolytic hyperkeratotic type is a mosaic form of BCIE that is due to postzygotic, 42 External Morphology of the Central Nervous System A Abducens nerve Facial nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Vestibulocochlear Facial nerve Pyramid Olivary eminence B Cochlea Semicircular canals nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve Hypoglossal nerve Basilar artery Abducens nerve Pons-medulla junction Vestibulocochlear nerve Lateral recess of fourth ventricle Fourth ventricle Tonsil of cerebellum C Cochlea Cochlea Cochlear portion of VIIIth nerve (CPVIII) Semicircular canals VPVIII Semicircular canals Facial nerve Abducens nerve CPVIII Fourth ventricle Cerebellum D Semicircular canals Cerebellar vermis Cerebellar hemisphere Vestibular portion of VIIIth nerve (VPVIII) Basilar pons Pontine tegmentum Cochlear portion of VIIIth nerve Cochlea Cochlea Semicircular canals Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Vestibular portion of VIIIth nerve Cerebellar tonsil 2-43 The cranial nerves at the pons thailand trading website junction are the ab- ducens ( VI), the facial ( VII), and the vestibulocochlear ( VIII) (A).

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