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Double nega- tion (reinforced negation) is a phenomenon of natural syntax (cf. Goto S, Mochizuki M, Watanabe T, Hiramatu K, Tano T, Kitahara H, Exper H.

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A high-quality CT evaluation of the chest and upper abdomen to include the adrenals is mandatory. The blood ves- sels bring nutrients to bone cells (called osteocytes) that are lo- cated in lacunae between the lamellae. (2) BRT osteotomy. 57 The mechanism underlying this therapy remains unclear. Cussler, Diffusion (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

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In the first method, we simply draw the side view of the molecule and use wedged and hashed lines to show bonds not in the plane of the paper (as you saw in Chapter 16). 3 of Appendix B, it is shown that the converse of Pfn-that is, the effectiveness (the probability of a true positive)-can be found by applying Equation 7. Dialingmethod(tonepulse) Most intelligent modems work with both touch-tone and pulse telephone- dialing methods. The prognosis of ovarian adenocarcinomas is pre- dominantly stage dependent, and grading is of limited prognostic value.

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