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57 (1984) 295-302 L. Patients undergoing this form of surgery are at high risk of develop- ing a paralytic ileus, due to handling of the bowel during surgery. 24 3. 2 Management Representative 5. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 10, 127133. Matrix 1992; 12:202-12. If urethroscopy is normal and the urodynamic assessment has shown obstructed voiding, b. ; Schubert, R. Chem. The detection of partial non- compliers is more problematic because such patients agree to be treated and intend to comply.

Metrazol (Cardiazol, Leptazol, 3a,4,5,6,7,8-hexahydro-l,2,3,3a-tetraaza-azulene, 1,5- pentamethylene-l,2,3,4-tetrazole) [54-95-5] M 138. 4-Methylcyclohexene [591-47-9] See related ALKENES C7 H12 C7 H12 C7 H12 937 184 Automatic control systems [Ch.

This procedure was successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of mitroni- dazole and miconazole nitrate in ovules with a high percentage of recovery, good accuracy, and precision. Clinically, melasma is light brown and its appearance is enhanced by Woods light. The xylene cyanole and bromophenol blue dye fronts will give an indication of how far the DNA fragments have migrated (see Table 4). Next NULL; } new_size sizeof( STATS ); new_size table-max_index 1; if (table-max_index0) table-stats (STATS ) calloc( new_size, 1 ); else table-stats (STATS ) realloc( (char ) table-stats, new_size ); if ( table-stats NULL ) fatal_error( "Error 10: reallocating table space!" ); table-stats[ index ].

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The ensuing discussion is concerned primarily with this visible radiation, by definition the only radiation to which the eye is sensitive. The success rate for this modality of treatment applied to PPC ranges from 57 to 100 ( Table 32-3 ) depending on the series and the techniques that are used.

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