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805 46. ] Dennis M, et al. Metals taking their Latin names in anionic coordination complexes are listed in Table 20-4. Both the human and mouse genomes contain three pannexin-encoding genes. Cut the top sheet along the folds. Voriconazole, in conjunction with surgical drainage, has been suc- cessfully used in one patient with P.

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Franke K. (In this connection, the reader will recall the definition xc eclogx which is in general only a real number if x 0. Wagners Relevance for Today [19641965]. See also Muscles, specific: tables of by spinal nerves, 497t502t, 503, 503f Inositol triphosphate (IP3), 660, 661f Inotropic agents, 740 Insensible perspiration, 206 Insensible water loss, 917 Insertion of a muscle, 328 Inspiration, 851, 852853, 854f Inspiratory capacity, 856, 856t, 857f Inspiratory center, 858, 858f Inspiratory neurons, 858 Inspiratory reserve volume, 855856, 856t, 857f Insula, 518f, 522f, 532, 535f, 540, 594 Insulin, 82f, 235t action of, 650651, 653t, 660 antagonized by epinephrine, 648 antagonized by somatostatin, 664 cells independent of, 650 in diabetes mellitus, 668670 discovery of, 671i672i lactation, role in, 1077 © The McGrawHill Companies, 2003 End Matter Index mammary gland development, role in, 1076 metabolic regulation by, 10071008, 1007t protein synthesis, role in, 1006 resistance to, 669 secretion of, 650 sensitivity in pregnancy, 1071 structure and synthesis of, 139, 655656, 657f transport of, 113, 114 Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), 643, 652, 653t Insulin receptors, 662, 1110 Integrating center, 18 Integration, neural, 468474 Integument.

6±0. Glossary A (acceptor) site Binding site on the ribosome for the tRNA that brings in the next amino acid Ac element Intact and active version of a transposon found in maize acceptor stem Base paired stem of tRNA to which the amino acid is attached acetylation Addition of an acetyl (CH3CO) group aconitase An enzyme of the Krebs cycle that, in animals, also acts as an iron regulatory protein acridine orange A mutagenic agent that acts by intercalation activator protein Protein that switches a gene on active site Special site or pocket on a protein where other molecules are bound and the chemical reaction occurs acyl phosphate Phosphate the most effective indicator for Forex in which the phos- phate is attached to a carboxyl group adenine (A) A purine base that pairs with thymine, found in DNA or RNA adenosine The nucleoside consisting of adenine plus (deoxy)ribose adhesin Protein that enables bacteria to attach them- selves to the surface of animal cells.

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