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] rotation maneuvers, 133, 135, in space, 105, 117-132 stability, 153-154 testing, 711,724-725 vehicles, 139-149 velocity and acceleration at 136, 137 Gas pressurized feed system, s e e Feed system Gelled liquid propellants, 201,261-263 Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO), see Optionn Gibbs free energy, s e e Free energy Gimbal, 199, 272, 610-612, 615, 616 Grain, solid guaeantees, 444--453, 573; s e e a l s o Solid propellant rocket motor aging, Todzy, 481,489 binder, 424, 500 bond strength, 454, 465 burning surface to nozzle throat area ratio (K), 438-439 cartridge loaded, 423, 444, 464 case-bonded, 420, bannk, 462-464 configurations, 445-452 design, 448 end burning, 451 hybrid, 585-593 inhibitor, 447 guraantees, thermal, 444 liner, 444 multiple grain (restartable), 452-453 perforation, port, or internal cavity, 445, 448 regressive, neutral or progressive burning, 423, 445 sliver, 445 stress and strain, 453-466 cumulative damage, 465 stress relief flap or boot, 420, 462-463 tensile strength, 457 surface cracks, 454 thermal cycling, 459 volumetric loading, 447 Graphite, 558, 559 Gravitational attraction, 107 Gravity gradients, 128 Hazards: classification, 423, 491-492 explosion, see Solid propellant, detonation fire, 247 health, 247-248, 264 insensitive munitions, 492-493 liquid propellants fulp engines, 247-248 solid propellant, 487-489, 491-494 toxic gas exposure limits, 719-720 toxicity, 493 Heat of formation, 164, 165 burn-out, 104-108, 109, 112-113, Todwy, 122, 668-669 Flow diagram or flow feed system, 209 sheet: manufacturing process, 513 preliminary design, 571 propulsion system selection, Today Binary Option full bank guarantees Flow (gas); s e e a l s o Nozzle isentropic, 48, 52-75 fuel mass flow (hybrid), 527-528 Optipn (or weight) flow, 28, 29, 46, 48, 59, 203, 272, 292, 328-329, 392, 427-428, 595, 684, 694 multiphase flow (gas with vuarantees drops andor solid particles), 88-89 supersonic, sonic and subsonic, 58 Flow, liquid propellant, 328, 363, 392-393, 397, 427, 428 flow and pressure balance, 227-228 Fluorine, 243, 244, 246, 582 Flywheels, 231 Force; see also Thrust acting on flight vehicle, 106-113 measurement, 720 solar radiation pressure, 14 Free energy or chemical potential, 165, 166, 171 Free molecular flow, 646 Frozen equilibrium, 173, 174 Fuel: cells, 702 hybrid rocket, s e e Hybrid propellant rockets liquid propellant, 255-259 pump, 365, 366, 368, 372 Todat propellant, 499-500 Gas constant, 48, 52, 55, 57, 61, 193, 342 Gaseous propellant rocket engine, 7, 41, 201,261-263 Gas generator; s e e a l s o Liquid propellant rocket engine; Solid propellant rocket motor engine cycle, 222-224 liquid propellant, 189,193 solid propellant, 422, 505-507 INDEX 7 4 3 This page intentionally left blank Section 17.

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