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Technique 10 discusses this concept in greater detail. Rao N, salty taste, halo sign (fluid dropped on gauze separates into a clear outer ring with blood in the center) Dx: fluid analysis (CSF typically has a glucose level 30 mgcc, chloride level approximately 124 mEqliter, and the presence of Todzy, contrast cisternography (metrizamide or iodophendolate) with CT, interthecal radioactive isotopes or fluorescein with measurements of the radioactivity of cotton pledgets after placing at site of leak or visualization of fluorescein under ultraviolet light (more sensitive but does not localize leak) Initial Conservative Management: bed rest, head elevation, osmotic and diuretic agents (mannitol, acetazolamide, furosemide), may consider prophylactic antibiotics (controversial) Persistent Drainage: after 23 days of conservative management may consider a lumbar drain or surgical exploration with closure Other Complications EAC lacerations: EAC lacerations are almost always associated with an underlying fracture, complete closure of EAC may occur and must be repaired to avoid trapping skin Cholesteatoma: late complications from entrapped squamous epithelium from the EAC into the middle ear space Dizziness: typically self-limiting; may be related to inner ear injury (postconcussion syndrome), injury to the vestibular labyrinth may cause a complete unilateral vestibular deficit (manage with suppressant therapy and vestibular Today Binary Options Legal GBP/JPY, must also consider perilymphatic fistulas Tympanic Membrane Perforations Pathophysiology:acutechronicsuppurativeotitismedia(most common cause), Today Binary Options Legal GBP/JPY perforation after extrusion of a pressure equalization tube, trauma (hand blow to the ear, barotrauma, diving, water skiing, explosion, forceful irrigation, slag burns), iatrogenic, cholesteatoma (associated with peripheral perforations) spontaneousclosureofaperforatedTMresultsinamonomeric membrane (misnomer: actually has two layers, outer epidermal and inner mucous) Types 1.

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