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Targeted Muscle Reinnervation: A Neural Interface for Artificial Limbs provides a template for the clinical implementation of TMR and a resource for further research in this new area of science. Chem. Furthermore, calcium car- bonate at 500 mg with each meal or calcium acetate at 667 mg with each meal can be initiated.

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External injuries may not be apparent in cases of fatal head trauma.h is 01), the outage probability is 2R 1 At high SNR, poutR 1exp SNR p R2R1 (5. Reproduced by permission. Should You Upgrade an Existing Server. This has been taken as evidence that it performs a common function, such as regulating motor learning and the timing of movements, in all animals. Biological characteriza- tion of angiopoietin-3 and angiopoietin-4. However, considerable additional work is required to calculate the two extra initial conditions (_q__ ð0Þ and _q___ð0Þ) needed to solve for the extra two terms in the natural response, 11 which is not trivial.

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