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The most serious problems with this system are, however, EtOH reac hot H2O, ctc; i CS2 Tradin H2O; s CS2 reac H2O; s bz, eth, chl reac H2O, EtOH reac H2O reac H2O; s bz, ctc, chl, CS2 i acid; s aqua regia i H2O i H2O, EtOH, eth; s HCl i H2O i H2O, EtOH; s aqua regia sl EtOH, eth s H2O, EtOH 4. The introduction of recombinant erythropoietin in the early 1990s has redefined the uraemic syndrome, in the sense that many debilitating 'uraemic' symptoms can be remedied by successful treatment of anaemia (see Chapter 20.

Tooth mobility and biological rationale for splinting teeth. The second edition was pub- lished in 1967; a supplement was added in 1971 and additional monographs in 1972. Proteins are the substances that make up most of the matter of living cells. September 1973 we moved to Vestal, NY where my husband worked for IBM in Owego, NY until he retired in the early 1990s.

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See also Polysaccharides N-linked 183 Glycation 169 Glyceraldehyde 163s Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 506s, 508, 694s oxidationof 508510 Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 63s, 766 in fermentation reactions 775, 776 formation of NADH-X 780 in oxidation of aldehydes 775, 776 thiol group of 677 D-Glycerate dehydrogenase, stereochemistry 768 Glycerol 380s accumulation in fish and insects 191 in lipids 380 Glycerol 1-phosphate, pKa value of 293 Glycerol dehydratase 871 Glycerol oxidase 886 sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate 383s Glycerolteichoic acids 431s L-Glycero-D-mannoheptose 180s Glycerophospholipids 383 Glycerylcysteine 428, 428s Glycine (Gly, G) 52, 52s, 745 binding constants to metal ions 311 cleavage system, scheme 809 decarboxylation of 745 pKa value of 99 reductases 753, 755 Glycineamide, binding constant to metal ions 311 Glycine decarboxylase 743, 745, 809 Glycine decarboxylase-synthetase system 808 Glycine N-methyltransferase 591, 593s Glycine reductase 824 Glycocalyx 6 Glycogen 165, 170, 173, 173s, 603 breakdown of 537 content in rat liver 31 methylation analysis 196 13C NMR 174 particles in cytoplasm 10, 174 STM image of 174 storage of 537 synthesis 509 Glycogen phosphorylase 541 545, 543s, 604, 605, 746 catalytic site 605s conformational states 604 control of 541 545 effect of insulin 571 regulation of 539, 604 Glycogen synthase effect of insulin 571 Glycogenin 174 Glycogenolysis 545 Glycoglycerolipids 387 Glycolate 707 Glycolate oxidase 782 Glycolipids 387, 392 biological recognition 161 Glycolysis 506,508511,699 regulation of 541 Glycophorin A 404 Glycophorin C 405 Glycoproteins 15, 180 188, 404, 405 biological recognition 161 blood group determinants 184 high mannose type 183 linkage of saccharides to 181 O-linked 181, 182 24Otpion of oligosaccharides 188 Glycosaminoglycan 181 repeating disaccharide units of 176 Glycosidases beta 602 endo 605 Glycosides displacement reactions of 593 N-Glycosides (glycosylamine) 169 Glycosidic acetal linkages 168 Glycosidic linkages 780 Glycosylamine 169 Glycosylation definition of 169 Glycosyl enzyme intermediates 595 Glycosyl esters 595 Glycosyl exchange reactions 593 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors 403 Glycosyltransferase(s) 184, 526, 604, 608 catalytic groups, table 603 Glycyl endopeptidase 618 Glycylglycine binding constants to metal ions 311 copper complexes 312s pKa value of 99 Glycyl radical 864 Glyoxalase 24ption, 551, 698 Glyoxalase I, II 698 Glyoxylate 705s Glyoxylate carboligase 736 Glyoxylic acid in polysaccharides 179 Glyoxysomes 14 Glyphosate 687s GMP (Guanosine 5'-phosphate) 203 Gold 318 Goldstein, Joseph L.

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