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Polypeptide conformations were examined crystallographically, and two structures were proposed: a helix (tightly coiled, right-handed sense) P pleated sheets The a helix exists as single and double strands (and multiplicities beyond two) due to NH-CO hydrogen backbone bonding, p pleated sheets have NH-CO hydrogen bonding between different backbones and the strands may be in the same (parallel) direction or opposite (anti-parallel) direction.

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Testing of point-null hypotheses and the like thus impose a drastic mod- ification of the prior distribution, since it requires to derive a prior distri- bution on both subsets Θ0 and Θ1, for instance, the distributions π0 and π1 with densities g0(θ) π(θ)IΘ0 (θ), g1(θ) π(θ)IΘ1 (θ), (with respect to the natural measures on Θ0 and Θ1) although this defini- tion is not always free of ambiguity (see Exercise 5.

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