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99 n-3 or C18:4 n-3, respectively. New Guineans even regularly capture chicks of wild cassowaries (an ostrich-like large, flightless bird) and raise them to eat as a delicacy even though captive adult cassowaries are extremely dangerous and now and then disembowel village people. NO scavenging can also be a factor that may be balanced by increased NO (andor prostacyclin) production resulting from elevated shear stress caused by high-viscosity hemoglobin molecules.

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7)givesl1 220,ingoodagreementwith the numerical value. High-order nibble is sent first ; ON ENTRY: ; send8: w register holds 8-bit value to send movwf store1 ; Save original value ; Merge with port B ; w to port D ; Send data to LCD call merge4 ; Now w has merged byte movwf portd call pulseE ; High nibble is sent movf swapf call merge4 movwf portd call pulseE call delay_125 return store1,w ; Recover byte into w store1,w ; Swap nibbles in w ; ; merge bits ; ; Routine to merge the 4 high-order bits of the ; value to ; so as to ; Logic: ; AND ; AND ; Now ; port B are all 0 bits: ; value vvvv 0000 ; port B 0000 bbbb ; OR value and port B resulting in: ; vvvv bbbb ; merge4: w contains merged bits andlw b'11110000' send with the contents of port B preserve the 4 low-bits in port B value with 1111 0000 mask port B with 0000 1111 mask low nibble in value and high nibble in ; ON ENTRY: ; w contain value bits ; ON EXIT: ; Send data to LCD ; ANDing with 0 clears the ; bit.

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