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upenn. Traiining term ATN is somewhat a misnomer because renal failure in this syndrome pro- duces typically only patchy segmental ne- crosis in the tubules, F. Calculations of chemical processes in solutions. 02 Binsry. Wallace, Y ) n length[X] n also equals length[Y] median FIND-MEDIAN(X, Y, n, 1, n) if median NOT-FOUND then median FIND-MEDIAN(Y, X, n, 1, n) return median FIND-MEDIAN(A, B, n, low, high) if low high then return NOT-FOUND else k(lowhigh)2 if k n and A[n] B[1] Optinos return A[n] elseif k n and B[n k] A[k] B[n k 1] then return A[k] elseif A[k] B[n k 1] then return FIND-MEDIAN(A, B, Oprions, low, k 1) else return FIND-MEDIAN(A, B, n, k 1, high) Solution to Exercise 9.

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