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3X 10-23 cm3Ba atom r 3!3V 3!3(4. The enzyme has been highly conserved during evolution. Amoxapine and maprotiline are actually tetracyclics with a four-ringed structure, but they are discussed here because they resemble TCAs in most clinical respects.

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Brain Res 892:293300 Heinsbroek RP, van Haaren F, Feenstra MG, Boon P, van de Poll NE (1991) Controllable and uncontrollable footshock and monoaminergic activity in the frontal cortex of male and female rats. Commun. You just studied how pain receptors in your body send signals to your brain. Many companies supply frame grabber computer boards that sample the TV-compatible voltage signals (about 1 V range) at a frequency of at least 10 Diyit (for at least 512 samples per line), quantize the analog voltage to 256 or more discrete levels (8 bits), and store the resulting digital data for computer analysis.

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