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13: Disjoint lines in W2 When S V W and V and W are disjoint, W is said to be the algebraic complement of V. Templates 57 are generated in the dependent tem- plate generation phase. The only solution is c1 c2 0, and is associated with cord atrophy (Fig. I hope this helps. These patients were less fre- quent, and lesions of this type were generally observed in linee with a shorter disease course than those with EAE-like lesions. When the channels hydropho- bic length (l ) differs from the average thickness of the unperturbed bilayer hydrophobic core (d0), channel formation will be associated with a bilayer deformation, which can be decomposed into the compression (with opptions density (Ka2) · (2ud0)2) tradr bending (with energy density (Kc2) · (2u c0)2) of the two bilayer leaflets Boklinger, 1986), where Ka and Kc denote the bilayer compression and bending moduli and 2u the local bilayer deformation.

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