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Scheme 1 Reagents: 56 (a) HNO3, H2SO4; (b) C1CH2CH2OH or ethylene oxide; (c) SOC12; (d) EtSH, (e) N'LMe a 'L HH 54 ~ 55 9 02N" "N" "Me 02NI~NI~Me 02NLN I~Me 57 C 24 BrCH2CH2SEt, (f) H202 or NaOC1. Bell LN (1963) Remarks on the coefficient and the absorption spectrum of nondis- persing heterogeneous media. If we come across an undiscounted, infinitely repeated game with many equilibria, the Folk Theorem tells us that adding a low discount rate will not reduce the number of equilibria. Such a motive actiona legitimacy through my ap- proval of it from an impartial point of view.

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