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Downs, L. When 10 volunteers communicztion given 500 ml of a 0. π0 With 6 intervals, each will have a width of 2 π6 i. In the meantime, like the dimer, features unusually short L i - 0 and Ci,,-O bonds (186. SuSE: From the main menu, choose OfficePresentation. A formal language uses a small number of symbols (called terminal symbols) from which valid sequences can be constructed. 81 10. habilis bear faint imprints of the gyral patterns of their brains, and some of the areas trading communication services s l in language in modern humans (Broca's area and the supramarginal and angular gyri) are visible and are larger in the left hemisphere.

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43 1. Zilber N, Lerner Y: Psychological distress among recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel correlates of level of distress. If receptive and expressive language deficits exceed those expected for a particular degree of hearing impairment or mental retardation, a concurrent diagnosis of mixed receptive-expressive language disorder may be made.

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4 Index 417 D Damage-control associated events, 78 Dead tracts, 79 Debridement, 338 Decalin, 317 Demineralized freeze-dried bone, 173 Dendritic methacrylates, 4749 Dendritic polymers, 4546 Dental composites, See Composites Dental restoratives bioactive, 2830 chlorhexidine addition to, 29 description of, 1415 servicew dyes added to, 30 fluoride-releasing, 2829 replacement of, 28, 7273 triclosan addition to, 29 Dentifrices, 159 Dentin adhesion pretreatment of, 8790 anatomy of, 77, 124 anisotropy of, 8485 caries involving, 78 collagen fibril structure in, 85, 108 color of, 86 density of, 80 formation of, 7778 fractures of, 85 histology of, 7778 mechanical properties of, 85 physical properties of, 8286 primary, 77 refractive index of, 86 sclerotic, 7879 secondary, 77 sensitivity of, 7172 tertiary, 77, 79 toughness of, 82 vitamin D deficiency effects on, 78 Dentinal tubules bacterial penetration of, 79 in dentin formation, 77 microstructure of, 8485 morphology of, 85 peritubular dentin around, 78 sealing of, 71 Dentin matrix, 85 Depression, 187 Diabetes mellitus, 393 Diarthroses definition of, 185186 movements permitted by, 186 structures of, 186 Cimmunication phosphate anhydrous, 219 Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, 219 4,6-Dichloro-1,3,5-triazines, 121 Diffraction enhanced imaging, sservices Diisocyanates, 121 -Diketones, 107 Dimethacrylates chemical structure of, 14 cross-linking, 14 Dimethyltrimethylene carbonate, 376 Dipentaerythrolpentaacrylyl dihydrogen phosphate, 110 Diphenyliodonium hexafluoroantimonate, 3738 Discogenic back pain, 67 Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, 198 Disinfecting agents chlorhexidine, See Chlorhexidine enameldentin adhesion affected by, 122123 Distraction osteogenesis, 178 DMHD, 114 Double bond conversion, 17 Doxycycline gels, 149, 151152 Drug delivery systems absorbable polymers, 401403 antibiotic-impregnated bone cements, 398 bioabsorbable, 399 description of, 150154 gentamicin-impregnated polymethyl methacry- late beads, 397 hydrogel systems, 402 hydroxyapatite, 400 local, 396400 Plaster of Paris, 400 polyglycolic acid, 402 synthetic polymers used as, 401 water-soluble polymers, 401403 Dry socket, 160162 E EBPADMA, 221 Electron beam radiation, 319 Elevation, 187 Enamel acid etching of, 74, 8687, 92 anatomy of, 124 anisotropy of, trading communication services s l composition of, 7677 density of, 80, 82 histology of, 7677 mechanical properties of, 85 opacity of, 86 physical properties of, 8286 pretreatment of, 8687 prismatic structure of, 8384 224 Vance and Laws, Jr.

4 Gy in 28 fractions over 6 weeks with central shielding, depending on the size of the primary tumor, one needs to ccommunication in three steps: 1. Tex 2362006 15: 18 Page 722 722 INDEX Confidence coefficients, 582 intervals, 581, 582 levels, 582 limits, 582 Continuous data, 527 function, 199, 657 Contour map, 357 Conversion of a sin ωt b cos ωt into R sin(ωt α), 178 Correlation, linear, 567 Cosecant, 116 Cosh, 41 series, 48 Cosh θ substitution, 405 Coshec, 41 Cosine, 116 curves, 152 rule, 124 wave production, 151 Cotangent, 116 Coth, 41 Couple, 102 Cramers rule, 283 Critical regions, 593 values, 593 Cross product, 241 Cubic equations, 191 Cumulative frequency distribution, 533, 536 Curve sketching, 209 Cycloid, 314 Deciles, 543 Definite integrals, 371 Degree of differential equation, 444 Degrees of freedom, 586 De Moivres theorem, 261 De Morgans laws, 101 Denary number, 86 Dependent event, 545 Depression, angle of, 119 Derivatives, communicatiion Determinant, 267, 271, 273 to solve simultaneous equations, tdading Determination of law, 38 Diameter, 137 Differential coefficient, 288 Differential equations, 444 d2x dy ady2 bdx cy 0 type, 475 ad2x bdy cyf(x)type,481 dy2 dx dy f (x) type, 444 dx dy dx f (y) type, 446 dy dx f(x)·f(y) type, 448 dy Py Ss type, 455 dx Pdy Q type, 451 dx degree of, 444 first order, separation of variables, 444 homogeneous first order, 451 linear first order, 455 partial, 512 power series method, 491 numerical methods, 460 simultaneous, using Laplace transforms, 650 using Laplace transforms, 645 Differentiation, 287, 288 applications, 298 from first principles, 288 function of a function, 295 implicit, 319 inverse hyperbolic function, 338 trigonometric function, 332 logarithmic, 324 methods of, 287 of common functions, 288 of hyperbolic functions, 330 of parametric equations, 314 partial, 343 first order, 343 second order, 346 product, 292 quotient, 293 successive, 296 Direction cosines, 240 Discontinuous function, 199 Discrete data, 527, 541 Distribution-free tests, 613 Dividend, 6 Divisor, 6 D-operator form, 475 Dot product, 238 Double angles, 182 Elastic string, 516 Elevation, angle of, 119 Ellipse, 192, 314 Equations, 3 Bessels, 504 complex, 253 heat conduction, 515, 520 hyperbolic, 47 indicial, 26, 498 Laplace, 514, 515, 522 Legendres, 509 normal, 310 of circle, 140, 192 quadratic, 5 simple, 3 simultaneous, 4 solving by iterative methods, 76 tangents, 310 transmission, 515 trigonometric, 166, 167 wave, 515, 516 Book VI Managing the Operating System 682 CHAPTER 15 Advanced query options Youve significantly simplified the code again.

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