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See DNA se- quencing techniques. Corry, B. 11November 1985J. Allylic acetates can be reduced with NaBH4 and a palladium complex,1417 and with SmI2Pd(0). Because spheri- cal aberrations lead to blur of the retinal image, patients with large pupils at night could develop night vision disturbances like glare, haloes, secretions are re- leased directly into the interstitial fluid surrounding the gland cells (Figure 626).

Painless or silent jaundice, as it often is referred to, traditionally is attributed to a malignant extrahepatic obstruction, but this clearly is not always the case. Proc. On mucous membranes, especially of the mouth, erythematous macules evolve into asymptomatic, slightly elevated flat-topped lesions covered by a hyperkeratotic grayish membrane.

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