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Smyth, Model for the Transfer of Polymer to Rough, Hard Surfaces, Transactions ASME, Journal of Lubrication Technology, Vol. Brook I. SLAP lesions may even more reliably be differentiated from a normal recess in the ABER position, or when images obtained with arm traction are applied. A total of 58 publi- cations was found of which 29 case series were included in the analysis. Straight- chain alkanes with 1 to more than 30 carbon atoms, and branched-chain alkanes with 6 or fewer carbon atoms, are commonly present in polluted atmospheres.

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Mast cell leukaemia is a rare disorder with a poor prognosis. Katz Fig. (1978). 19 0. ]); English trans. Inset: an enlarged particle, 9, 11 BMPs, see Bone morphogenetic proteins BMU, see Basic multicellular unit Bone grafts, see also Vascularized bone grafts, allografts, see also Allogeneic bone transplantation cancellous allografts, 61, 62 cortical allografts, 62 donor matching, 61 arthroplasty, see Joint arthroplasty autografts, see also Autogenous bone transplantation cancellous autografts, 59 cortical autografts, 59 biomechanics, 63, 64 comparative properties, 57, 58 craniofacial bones, see Craniofacial repair; Orofacial bone repair functions, 5759, 94, 95 historical perspective, 93, 94, 133 ideal properties, 133 materials for fracture repair enhancement, 34, 35 osteoconductive matrices, 137, 138, 140143 terminology, 57 types, 57, 58, 95, 96 Bone marrow, osteoprogenitor cells, 144, 145 preclinical animal models of bone regeneration, 8386, 145 Bone mass, definition, 14 Index A Allogeneic bone transplantation bone banking, 244, 245 cancellous allografts, 61, 62 complications, 243, 244 cortical allografts, 62 craniofacial repair, 344, 345 definition, 57 disease transmission risks, 136 donor matching, 61, 243, 256, 257 historical perspective, 135, 136, 241243 long-term study outcomes, 247251 patient series, 246, 247 success rates over time, 252 operative procedure, 245 orofacial bone repair, 364366 prospects, 256, 257 types and applications, 136, 137 Alloplasts, orofacial bone repair, 366 Angiogenesis fracture repair, 51 osteogenesis coupling, 50 Arthroplasty, see Joint arthroplasty Autogenous bone transplantation, advantages, 133, 134 cancellous autografts, 59, 134 cortical autografts, 59, 134 craniofacial repair, 344 definition, 57 harvesting complications, 172 orofacial bone repair, 363, 364 revascularization, 134, 135 B Basic multicellular unit (BMU) definition, 14 duration, 9 signals detectors, 1113 4.

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