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2 The electromagnetic spectrum. In many cases we have chosen modern applications to illustrate the basic laws. 473; s 0. 4 (March 2001): 437461.incomplete or total right bundle branch block-important clue) Idiopathic dilation of pulmonary artery Small atrial septal defect (unusual) Pulmonic stenosis Atrial septal defect (important clue) Often normal in older patients Aortic stenosis Mild left ventricular conduction delay Severe pulmonary hypertension (A2 masked) Left bundle branch block (important clue) Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (important in acute ischemia) Dilated aorta Hypertension Tetralogy of Fallot Pulmonary hypertension (important clue) Atrial septal defect Dilated pulmonary artery Aortic sclerosis or stenosis Hypotension Pulmonic stenosis aThe physician must differentiate between decreased intensity of all cardiac sounds vs a selective decrease in the loudness of A2 or P2.

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