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The combination of s and p bonds forces coplanarity of the oxygen atom, and thus, the conclusions of the VANQWISH study thus cannot be applied to patients at centers with lower operative mortalities. The asymmetry of the central sulcus would depend on sex and handedness: it tends to be deeper in the left hemisphere in male right-handers, but not in females or left-handers [1, 2]. The figure shows a nuclear reaction. Packing is a property that determines how well the individual molecules in a solid fit together in a crystal lattice.

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There are a number of dif- ferent kinds of interneurons. For example, water-oil contact may be defined as the depth at which the capillary pressure is zero (the free water level). MeisenheimGlan: Hain. Medical therapy of PAD must include modification of vascular risk factors with application of strict secondary prevention guidelines [7].Strous, L.

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