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The shifts are explainable in terms of mesomeric (resonance) effects caused by interaction of lone pair electrons associated with such auxochromes as -OH, -Cl, -NH2 with the π system of the chromophore. The module (a2, b)(a2, ab) is also cyclic, for the generator a2 lies in (a2, ab). Soc. According to Monique M. The construction in Fig. Bull. Some common extra charges to watch out for include: faatuura al-haatif (fah-too-rah al-hah-teef; telephone bill) faatuura at-tilfaaz (fah-too-rah ah-teel-faz; TV pay-per-view bill) faatuura aT-Taaam (fah-too-rah ah-tah-am; food bill) Chapter 13: Staying at a Hotel 235 46 Aromatic Chemistry REFERENCES 1.

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