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7 (2007) 476, and H. Williams PA, Cosme J, Sridhar V, Johnson EF and MeRee DE 2000) Mammalian microsomal cytochrome P450 monooxygenase: structural adaptations for membrane binding and func- tional diversity. 7 1. And Isman, M. These two transduction pathways can either coexist or be specific for a given cell system. LUMO, HOMO, and frontier orbital differences for model compounds used in the calculations are given in Ref.

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1 Poser Criteria for the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinically definite MS: 2 Attacksa 2 lesions on examinationb 2 Attacks 1 lesion on examination 1 paraclinical lesionc Laboratory-supported definite MS: 2 Attacks 1 lesion on examination or 1 paraclinical lesion abnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)d 1 Attack 2 lesions on examination abnormal CSFd 1 Attack 1 lesion on examination 1 paraclinical lesionc abnormal CSFd Clinically probable MS: 2 Attacks 1 lesion on examination 1 Attack 2 lesions on examination 1 Attack 1 lesion on examination 1 paraclinical lesionc Laboratory-supported probable MS: 2 Attacks abnormal CSFd From Frohman et al.

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