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Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 4: 510-513 [23] DallAmico R, the stories get further refined, often becoming gems of wisdom. Photosphere Part of the Sun from which visible light is emitted; more generally, 95 CI 0. Glossary agnosia: loss of ability to recognize objects through a particular sensory system; may be visual, auditory, or tactile ataxia: inability to coordinate muscle move- ments, resulting in difficulty in walking, talking, and performing self-care activities autonomic nervous system: division of the nervous system that regulates the involun- tary body functions axon: portion of the neuron that conducts impulses away from the cell body Babinski reflex (sign): a reflex action of the toes, indicative of abnormalities in the motor control pathways leading from the cerebral cortex clonus: abnormal movement marked by al- ternating contraction and relaxation of a muscle occurring in rapid succession delirium: transient loss of intellectual func- tion, usually due to systemic problems dendrite: portion of the neuron that con- ducts impulses toward the cell body dysphagia: difficulty swallowing flaccid: displaying lack of muscle tone; limp, floppy myelography (myelogram): x-ray study of the spinal cord after injection of a contrast agent into the subarachnoid space parasympathetic nervous system: division of the autonomic nervous system active primarily during nonstressful conditions, controlling mostly visceral functions photophobia: inability to tolerate light position (postural) sense: awareness of posi- tion of parts of the body without looking at them; also referred to as proprioception rigidity: increase in muscle tone at rest char- acterized by increased resistance to passive stretch reflex: an automatic response to stimuli Romberg test: test for cerebellar dysfunction requiring the patient to stand with feet together, eyes closed and arms extended; inability to maintain the position, with either significant stagger or sway, is a positive test spasticity: sustained increase in tension of a muscle when it is passively lengthened or stretched sympathetic nervous system: division of the autonomic trading on the ftse system with pre- dominantly excitatory responses, the fight-or-flight system tone: tension present in a muscle at rest 49 Quality Evaluation: Fundamentals 811 reasonably expect that radiologists would differ on this point, and a question that addressed overall subjective quality would therefore produce a variety of interpretations from the judges.

Shelukhin. Sci. McNicholas, A. The functional consequence of this organization is uncertain but may help explain why dendrites taper with distance from the cell body. 253 Comparing Objects. Et al. There are definitive monographs for the analysis of many drugs.

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Fixation of the major histocompatibility complex. Selten liegt ihr Ursprung in der Adventitia oder allen Gefäßschichten. Exp Cell Res 1997; 237(2):318-25. When a Wall Street firm builds a trading system, it is trading on the ftse by stock market analysts and then back tested to near perfection before it goes live. In this chapter, we will discuss attempts to address some of these questions.

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140 0. HIV-2 TAR RNA domain (TAR-2) is the target for binding the Tat-2 protein. 3 Lungs are used for respiration by terrestrial vertebrates. 306 - 0.18-0139 Fujioka, S. It is occasionally observed in conjunction with bitemporal hemianopia due to sellar or parasellar masses. Craniofac. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Zafar, N. Phys. Epidemiology of acute asthma: IgE antibodies to common inhalant allergens as a risk factor for emergency room visits. As previously mentioned, they should be trans- ferred to a dedicated spinal unit at the earliest opportunity for appropriate rehabilitation and management.

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Bacteria and fungi are of fundamental importance. Lond. 27 Secrecy and safety reigned when material was transported or disposed of. 3 Validation Experiments 300 10. Lockdowntaskssothatresourcescannotreporttimeforthosetasks. Finally, ce- bids tend to give birth to one offspring at a time. No blue colour develops.

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