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This implies that v c. Gating currents represent the mem- brane delimited movement of the S4 charged amino acids in response to changes in membrane potential. Diagnosis A presumed diagnosis can be made by history alone. In many vertebrate cell lines, this is the predominant, often exclusive, pathway leading to dUMP (4). Li ""(§) 4- xH2O -Li(aq). 629o 49. Clearly this presupposes that the motion is uninterrupted (and, incidentally, the midwife toads forelegs are quite strong. Consistent with this idea, mice with a cerebellum specific deletion in AnkyrinG show abnormal clustering of Nav channels and Neurofascin-186 at axon initial segments, a membrane domain that in many ways (functionally, molecularly, and ultrastructurally) is simi- lar to the node of Ranvier (Zhou et al.

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