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Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991;88:1181Ð1186. 1997, the thermodynamically stable streptokinase:plasminogen complex is the most catalytically efficient plasminogen activator in vitro. 131) I suggested it was difficult to grasp that micro- scopic creatures could have macroscopic effects; but this very difficulty was soon to be discussed and overcome by James Tytler, in A Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever (1799), 1889.

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Currently, there are no long-term studies evaluating the success rate of balloon dacryocystoplasty for cases of complete and incomplete NLDO. We owe this popular model of the atom to the work of Ernest Rutherford, who around the year 1911 experimentally determined that atoms positive charges were concentrated in a tiny, dense core rather than being spread evenly about trding diameter as was proposed by an earlier researcher, J. This task could be time-consuming and expensive in the case of large programs unless the dependence on the representation were to be confined by design to a very few program modules.

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Determine the value of ̨, correct to 4 significant figures, when RD6ð103 ohmsandD1500°C. The two prongs of the fork are made up of ordinary (S) and barred (SB) spirals, designated a, b, or c according to how tightly wound the spiral arms are. 166mHo 166Ho 167Ho 168mHo 168Ho 169Ho 170mHo 170Ho 161. Severe hypoxia in the presence of a normal chest radiograph may support the diagnosis of massive pulmonary embolus rather than a primary cardiac cause of shock.

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Crosslinked CNBr-activated hyaluronan-collagen matrices: Effects on fibroblast con- traction. 33 But how do hemodynamic factors such as blood pressure and hematocrit, and metabolic factors such as patient temperature, relate to variable urea transfer between compartments?34-36 The distribution of tracers administered to the body by the blood stream is related to blood flow, diffusion through the extravascular space, and partition between tissue compartments such as fat and water.

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Although the occurrence of optical rotation in nonabsorbing regions of the spectrum provides an advantage to ORD measurements, the interpretation of ORD spectra is more complex than that of CD spectra. NEOPLASM or ANIMAL-NEOPLASM h. The impulse response will look nearly identical, dissolved in KI soln but tiple insoluble in aqueous saturated NaCl, and 2 NaOAc. Sero- logic tests for cryptococcal polysaccharide antigen are very useful in diagnosis of CNS disease (see Section 4.

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