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(ii) Interchanging two rows or two columns changes the sign of the determinant. Darwin inferred that if humans could change species by artificial selection, then perhaps the same process could work in nature. 0 4. They make up the following: settest indicator if a block is in the tree or in a list define SETNOTREE(b) (LEFT(b) (TREE )(-1)) define ISNOTREE(b) (LEFT(b) (TREE )(-1)) functions to get information on a block define DATA(b) define BLOCK(d) define SELFP(b) define LAST(b) define NEXT(b) define BOTTOM(b) (((char )(b)) WORDSIZE) ((TREE )(((char )(d)) - WORDSIZE)) ((TREE )(((char )(b)) SIZE(b))) (((TREE )(((char )(b)) - WORDSIZE))) ((TREE )(((char )(b)) SIZE(b) WORDSIZE)) ((DATA(b) SIZE(b) WORDSIZE) Baddr) functions to set and test the lowest two bits of a word define BIT0 define BIT1 define BITS01 define ISBIT0(w) define ISBIT1(w) define SETBIT0(w) define SETBIT1(w) define CLRBIT0(w) define CLRBIT1(w) define SETBITS01(w) define CLRBITS01(w) define SETOLD01(n, o) ((n) | (BITS01 (o))) Figure 6.

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